although i understand the plight, i really dont see why there is a 30-something post thread about how certain servers are set up.
these servers which have been dubbed "abnormal" are paid for, therefore if someone chooses to set it up a certain way, so be it.
many server providers (includng myself) try to offer what is popular with the majority
for the moment.
if you look not too far back you will see there was an influx of FOX-only servers, Fox leagues, Fox this, Fox that......
how many months was FM Fox junkies at the top of the populated server list? more than i can really remember.
i'm sure not everyone liked to drive the Fox, but did anyway because thats where their friends were, where the competition was.....
a few weeks ago it was the CAD DD server., last year it was a few weeks straight of tbo's on RSR server. or more recently LR|Race Center.
if IHR shut down right now, the 40+ people there would find somewhere else to go, ranking system or not, and it would be packed for days, weeks months.
some people are trying to do
something to make up for the lack of content and/or upgrades that we cannot control.
maybe instead of complaining about what we do have to choose from, offer suggestions as to what you want.
i personally have 5 active servers right now, you want a certain combo? say so.
you can have any combo you want. but those who pay for servers can only guess what you want if you don't say so. they see what is popular and go for it.
i put a poll up
here. make a choice, you get what you want.
suggestions usually have far better results than complaints.....
(sorry for the's the medication...)